Are you allergic to anything? I thought I wasn’t allergic to anything until I’ve taken the Speedoc Food Allergy Test recently.
What is Allergy?
Allergic reactions occur when the immune system identifies the allergen as harmful and overreacts by releasing chemicals like histamine.
We all know that a severe allergy would require immediate medical attention and can cause serious illness or even death if not treated quickly. For milder ones, we may end up with itchiness and rashes. These allergies that we commonly know are called Type I food allergy (IgE-mediated) which usually develop symptoms within minutes to a few hours of ingestion.
Type III Food Allergy (IgG allergy)
What most people don’t know about is Type III food allergy (IgG-mediated), which is also known as food intolerance. The symptoms only occur a few hours or even days after ingestion of a trigger food.
IgG antibodies are the most common type of antibody in healthy people. They can help protect the body from harmful bacteria and viruses by binding to these organisms tightly.
Elevated IgG antibodies can be a sign of a chronic infection, autoimmune disease, an allergic reaction, or a condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the body like lupus.
Due to the delayed response, this kind of allergy is extremely difficult to identify. Fortunately, I discovered Speedoc Allergy Test on Speedoc app, a reliable diagnostic test for Type III food allergy which measures the level of IgG antibody in the blood.

I booked my Speedoc Complete food allergy test on the Speedoc app. Speedoc provides on-demand house call doctors and nurses so I can get on-the-spot medications and treatments from the comfort of my own home.
Services on Speedoc App

- COVID-19 testing at home (RTK & PCR test)
- Food allergy test at home
- Health screening at home
- Chronic Disease Home Management for patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and thyroid disorder
- Video consultation (telemedicine)
- House call doctor
- House call nurse
- Ambulance service
I honestly think this is the most useful app ever! I know a lot of people who don’t dare to visit the hospital at this moment due to worrying about catching the virus. But we also need to remember that if we delay the treatment of certain illnesses, the consequences can be pretty bad too. With Speedoc, anyone can get treated promptly without having to be in contact with unnecessary people.
What is Speedoc Allergy Test?
ImuPro is an extensive IgG food allergy laboratory test that analyzes the presence of specific IgG antibodies to particular foodstuffs. High level on a specific food indicates that you have chronic inflammation caused by it. The blood test result will let you know which foods are good for you and identify the “trigger foods“. If you avoid these foods, inflammation can be reduced and your body can recover.

After booking a consultation for Speedoc Complete Allergy Test on the Speedoc app, I received a call from them to confirm my appointment. On the scheduled date, Dr Aaron Cheah and his team were very punctual. In fact, they arrived early.

After explaining to me how the allergy test works and ensuring that I don’t have further questions, my blood was drawn and dripped onto a card. The card was then sealed properly. This card will be sent to the lab in Germany to be analyzed using the ELISA method. For Speedoc Complete, I was tested for 270 potentially triggering food. They also have other options to choose from.

Type of ImuPro Tests
- ImuPro Screen – 22 food items
- ImuPro Basic – 90 food items
- ImuPro Complete – 270 food items
- ImuPro Vegetarian – 90 food items
The whole process of getting my blood sample was a breeze and took less than 10 minutes. I love how Dr Aaron tries to answer all the questions that I have so I can proceed with a peace of mind. Kudos for the professionalism!

As for the allergy blood test result, it normally takes around 28 days to be ready. For my case though, it took only 10 days. That was really efficient of them! As soon as the result got back, Speedoc called me to schedule a video consultation with Dr Aaron Cheah. They also sent me the soft copy of the report so I can refer to it during the call and ask Dr Aaron during the video consultation session. After the consultation session, they also sent me the hard copy of the report and other documents via Lalamove so it would be easier for me to refer. I’m really super satisfied with their level of service.

Honestly, the Speedoc Allergy Test is a really comprehensive allergy test that I feel more people should know of. It doesn’t only tell you what kind of food you are intolerant to, but also how long you should avoid these foods, which are the ones that are allowed on rotation, what are the alternatives that you can take, and a very detailed customized recipe book. This recipe book is extremely useful because when there are too many things that I’m supposed to avoid, I’ll be left thinking “So what should I eat? What can I eat?“. The answer can be found in the recipe book, easy! You will also find a “purse card” so you can refer to it when you’re about to order anything or when buying groceries.

To understand more about ImuPro, their approach actually consists of 3 phases:
- Elimination phase
- Provocation phase
- Stabilization phase
According to my Speedoc Allergy Test report, my IgG antibodies were elevated when I take food with gluten, milk and eggs. Looks like I need to start a gluten-free and dairy-free diet now.
If you’re also curious to find out more about your body, here’s great news for you! Download the Speedoc app and use this code: TPG2021 to enjoy a special price of 10% OFF Speedoc’s Allergy Test. Hurry because you have until December 31, 2021 so, let’s take control of our own health!
Have you done a Speedoc allergy test before? Do share with me your experience and insights about your food intolerance.
Go ahead and visit Speedoc Malaysia’s website to find out more about what they have to offer. They also have a 24/7 hotline you can call any time so, save this number to your phone for emergencies – 011-4166 1178!
Woahh now we have to take an extra care to our health due to disease 🦠. Nice sharing babe
You’re welcome! If you need doctors or nurses to come to your house, you can book via Speedoc app!