If there is ever a food out there that fits the definition of a super food, eggs has to be there. Aside from plant products such as blueberries, whole grains, beans, seeds like sunflower and nuts, kale and other foods like coffee, tea and dairy, eggs also contain numerous nutrients that help your body ward off illnesses. All the edible parts of the egg are loaded with nutrients – yes, that means the yolk and the white, despite the popular misconceptions about egg yolks. Eggs also happen to be one of the most versatile foods in terms of cooking, and it even contains nutrients that are rare in the modern diets we eat today. You might need supplements like organic wheatgrass juice powder to cover the nutritional content you need if you are strict in your approach to vegetarian foods though, depending on your doctor’s advice. Here are some of the health benefits of eggs.
7 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs
1. High nutrient content
If you are ever in doubt about the nutritional power of eggs, just consider that they have enough to turn a cell into a chick – that will remind you of how healthy they are. For instance, one boiled eggs will give you 6 percent the RDA (recommended daily intake) of Vitamin A, 7 percent RDA of Vitamin B5, 9 percent RDA of Vitamin B12, 9 percent RDA of phosphorus and 22 percent RDA of selenium. All of these and more all come in a food that only contains 77 grams of calories, as well as five grams of healthy fat and six grams of protein. It is even better to get eggs that are enriched with omega-3 fatty acids or pastured ones, as they have higher levels of Vitamins E and A.
2. Their cholesterol does not adversely affect blood cholesterol
The cholesterol content of eggs is high, because one egg has 212 mg – that is probably why people have the belief that eating many eggs is bad for you, or you should avoid the yolk. However, this does not adversely affect your health, and scientific research proves this. Your liver will actually produce high amounts of cholesterol every day, but it will have a balance when you consume cholesterol in your diet. If you eat eggs, the liver will make less cholesterol. However, eggs have avery insignificant effect on these levels, especially for healthy people. For instance, in 70 percent of individuals, their cholesterol count does not increase, while in a minority of ‘hyper-responders’ (30 percent), the eggs will slightly increase their levels.
3. They actually increase your ‘good’ cholesterol
The ‘good’ cholesterol, also known as High density lipoprotein (HDL), ensures you have a lesser chance of getting a stroke, heart disease, or other issues in your health. Eggs are an excellent way to increase these levels in the bloodstream. One study revealed that the levels of HDL increased by ten percent when the person ate two eggs every day for a period of one and a half months.
4. They have choline, a very essential nutrient that you may not know of
Many people have no idea that this nutrient exists, regardless of it being a very essential substance that is grouped under the B class of vitamins. The body uses it to make cell membranes, as well as making very important brain signal molecules – and many other functions. In fact, the symptoms of its deficiency are very dire, so it is common in some foods such as dairy, fish, spinach and rice. Eggs are among the best sources of this nutrient, as they contain over 100 mg of it.
5. It reduces the risk of heart disease
The ‘bad’ cholesterol that is associated with heart disease and stroke is known as LDL, or low density lipoprotein. The higher it is in your bloodstream,the higher your chances of getting these illnesses. However, very many people do not know that not all LDL is equal – there are subtypes of it, based on the particle size. These are the large, small and dense. These will give you a better idea on where your health stands, based on the kind of LDL particles you have. Studies have revealed that the more small and dense particles you have, the higher your chances of heart disease, compared to individuals who predominantly have large particles. Even though eggs will increase the LDL levels in some people (the hyper-responsive ones), studies have also revealed that the particles usually change from small and dense to the bigger particles, which is a major enhancement.
6. They can improve your eye health, thanks to zeaxanthin and lutein
Improve eye health with zeaxanthin and lutein from eggs One of the problems that are associated with aging is the worsening of your eyesight. However, there are some nutrients you can take to reduce the pace of degeneration in the eyes. The major two are zeaxanthin and lutein, which are very strong antioxidants that can cure the retina. When you take sufficient amounts of these nutrients, they can actually reduce the problem of degeneration and cataracts in the retina, two eye disorders that are very common and lead to poor eyesight in old age. These nutrients are particularly high in the egg yolk (another reason not to discard it). A study revealed that lutein increased by about 28 to 50 percent and zeaxanthin increased by 114 to 142 percent when one egg yolk was eaten daily for one month. Another important nutrient in the maintenance of eye health is Vitamin A, and eggs are also abundant in it. Just as an important fact to keep in mind, deficiencies in this vitamin are the most common cause of blindness.
7. They can reduce triglycerides (especially pastured or omega-3 filled eggs)
Egg – Source of Omega 3 The method of raising the hens will determine the nutritional content they have. For example, a hen hat grows feeding on omega-3 feeds or pasture will produce eggs that have high content of omega-3 fatty acids. These eggs are particularly known to reduce the levels of triglycerides in the blood, therefore reducing your chances of getting heart disease by up to 18 percent.
Final thoughts
The best thing about eggs is that you do not need to be afraid of consuming them. They carry numerous advantages for your long term health, and there is evidence that shows eating a maximum of three eggs daily is perfectly safe.