Acne, eczema, hair-loss, and dandruff are some of the most prevalent skin issues today. The shocking thing is, they are all aggravated by the conventional, chemical solutions available on shelves – even those that are advertised to help. Left with no choice, KK Soo, co-founder of Buds Organics decided to put his training and experience as a chemist to create safe personal care products.tallpiscesgirl X Dr Buds Organics
The story of Dr Buds Organics
Mr. Soo Kian Kheng, co-founder of Buds Organics and Research and Development Director of I-Green Sdn Bhd Buds Organics (Baby Buds) was built out of KK’s love for his children who suffered from eczema during their baby years. The products use only the safest, purest, and most effective natural ingredients. His personal experiences with teenage acne challenged him to explore new avenues to develop safe and effective treatment-focused solutions for some of the most common yet poorly treated skin conditions, especially as his own children approached teenage years. The fatherly protective instinct within him wants to make sure that his kids do not need to go through negative comments and experiences about their skin while growing up. Dr Buds Organics’ formulations are his efforts towards that.
Dr Buds Organics
Fuelled by science and nature’s healing power, Dr Buds Organics uses the best certified organic ingredients that have long been hailed for their effective healing properties in its 4 ranges to treat specific skin conditions:
Easy-Clear for eczemaDr Buds Organics Easy Clear
Acne Rescue for acneDr Buds Organics Acne Rescue
Hair Loss Rescue for hair lossDr Buds Organics Hair Loss Rescue
Dandruff Rescue for dandruffDr Buds Organics Dandruff Rescue
As science has evolved, these ingredients were clinically proven to be effective to solve these skin and scalp conditions. Within the range, you will find amongst others, anti-bacterial Tea Tree Oil, anti-inflammatory Liquorice Extract, soothing and hydrating Aloe Vera and Fructan, and prebiotics to promote growth of good bacteria. Dr Buds Organics keeps with the company’s strict policy of ensuring only natural and organic ingredients are used, and no nasty chemicals. Certified organic by ECOCERT, one of the most stringent and well-respected international certification bodies which checks and confirms that every single product lives up to this promise, we can be assured that these products contain no nasty ingredients but only the safest natural and organic ingredients, made through eco-friendly processes. When Dr. Amir Hamzah Abdul Latiff, Allergist & Immunologist at Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur, came across the range, he was taken by its brand promise and efficacy.Dr. Amir Hamzah Abdul Latiff, Allergist & Immunologist at Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur “As an allergist and immunologist, I only know too well the kind of frustrations my patients face when using commercial personal care products. They lament the fact that they can’t find many solutions that work without any negative side effects. There’s always something. I was pleased to discover Dr Buds Organics, especially when I found out that they have the ECOCERT organic certification, which assured me of its safety and credibility. What stood out for me however, was KK’s dedication and passion to create this incredible range for his children. As a father myself, I understand a father’s love and am confident that if this range was created for his children, then the very best are in those products, and I will have no hesitation using these products myself.” Dr Buds Organics is produced with the support of the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC). These products are currently available on their website:, Guardian and Pantai Hospital KL.Dr Charmaine Pua coming up with her own organic formula For the latest updates, follow their Facebook page at