ProductNation – One Stop Product Review Site for the Indecisive

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ProductNation Product Reviews Help Me to Shop
When I shop, I’ll always do my homework regardless of the value because I simply want to buy the best choice; the item that really suits me. However, I noticed it’s too much of a hassle. Firstly, there are too many products in the market. Each brand has few range of similar products. Can you imagine how many products I need to compare? Secondly, product reviews are scattered everywhere so if I need to compare 10 products, I might need to visit 10 different websites or blogs! I don’t mind doing it if I have the time, but sometimes when I’m pressed for time and yet I don’t wanna simply buy, I hop on to ProductNation for help.

ProductNation – One Stop Product Review Site

ProductNation - Latest Product Reviews Site
ProductNation – Latest Product Reviews Site
If you’re unfamiliar with ProductNation, let me give you a brief introduction. ProductNation is a Malaysian site that curates latest product reviews and roundups, putting them into useful lists accordingly following these 4 criteria:
  • Reasonably priced
  • In-trend
  • Consumer favorites
  • Availability in Malaysia
The point I love most is that they will ensure the products they recommended can be found in Malaysia. There were times when I finally found the product that suits me only to know in the end that the shipping is a lot higher than the price of product itself. How disappointing!! This is why I turned to ProductNation when I was researching for toner for oily skin lately. I have too much work to rush and the stress made my oily skin worse. Having limited time to do research, I just browsed through their article for suggestions.
10 toners for oily skin
10 toners for oily skin
In the end, I chose the one from innisfree as I’m more familiar with this brand. A lot of time and effort saved! If you want to save more on your time (and money too!), they did provide a direct link for you to buy it online.
innisfree No Sebum Powder
innisfree No Sebum Powder
I also found that they have a lot more articles that give me ideas on what to buy next! Current read is this: Top 10 Best Skin Products in Malaysia. Shop Conveniently with ProductNation | ProductNation - One Stop Product Review Site for the Indecisive If you have used this site before, do let me know what you think! 😀


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