Remember those days when you used to force yourself to leave your house in order to get things done? And I’m sure all of us have wished we had a butler like old times or we were rich enough to hire an assistant to do everything with us. Well, now, in this pretty fast moving society along with the on-demand economy, I have finally found an answer to our prayers!
Bungkusit App
At first when I heard about the Bungkusit app, I was pretty skeptical about it. Is it really possible to have other strangers doing our errands? Apparently, yes! There are Errand Runners out there ready to take off some of our to do list… – From getting the files that you left at home as you rushed to the office
– Posting out items you sell online instantly so your customers won’t bug you for slow service
– “Dabao” food from anywhere you want, you name it!BungkusIt – Run Errands and Food Delivery With a tap of button on your phone, someone will come right to your door with anything you want. Everything in your city is available to you right from your phone, for only a very minimal fee. When I tried this app, I was really impressed by how fast it is – Bungkusit delivery took less than 1 hour to reach my doorstep. I did have doubts at first, but since the app had a navigation tracking system to show me the whereabouts of the Roadie delivering my item, I was then convinced that not only Bungkusit is giving me the convenience to my multitasking situation, but it also ensures that I felt at ease and safe when I used their services. Here’s how Bungkusit has become my favorite app for on-demand delivery service right now:
ON-DEMAND DELIVERY A Verified Roadie will do the task for you Bungkusit delivery takes less than 1 hour to reach my doorstep. It helps me get my tasks done with instant collections of parcel and delivery. Multitasking seems easier with Bungkusit! Now I can relax, while the Roadies get the work done in less than 60 minutes only! The company also says that All Roadies are Trained and Verified, so be Fearless! With an inbuilt chat messaging platform, I can easily contact the Roadie in case I forget some items.
FOOD FROM ANYWHERE Dabao Food from Anywhere Gone are the days where I cannot decide what to “dabao” AGAIN because choices are limited on food delivery services. Now, with Bungkusit, I can get any food from anywhere I like, be it a Pasar Malam or a Street Vendor or a High end Restaurant. Now I have a variety of choices to pick and I don’t have to order the same food in a week anymore, so Exciting!
COURIER SERVICE DELIVERY How BungkusIt Works To those hard working students, housewives, 9 – 5 office workers who has some part time business going on the side, Bungkusit has got us covered too!
Sometimes I do feel lazy to go out, hire an uber or grab and then spend so much time waiting in the queue just to drop a few parcels to the post office.
Now, with Bungkusit, Not only can I have my items posted in a tap of a button, but I can also save cost on fuel, save my time, and get my item delivered instantly!
CHEAPEST WAY TO GET IT DONE I have an extremely tight schedule, so getting stuck in a Jam for a simple task plus wasting my petrol and time, I would rather find another alternative. So it is safe to say that Bungkusit is the cheapest way for me to solve my problem. Their systems calculates a delivery fee based on the distance and sometimes the amount of time needed to wait in queues for posting items at Pos Laju. But guess what, their base fee is Only RM5, so you can get anything you want from as low as RM5 ONLY! Sounds reasonable to me!
I would strongly suggest you to try this most anticipated app in Malaysia. Bungkusit is launching by the end of 2017! No hustle even when registering with Bungkusit as you can just login through your Facebook account. It is also available on both iOS and Android for downloads. Try it soon! Go Bungkusit to Save More of your precious Time from now on!BungkusIt – Anything, Anywhere, In TIme I got an exclusive access to try this app out so that you get my feedback on it before it launches. Do give me your thoughts on what you will use this app for in the comment box below 🙂 Check them out here for promos and launch dates: