Slide the City is finally coming to Malaysia!!! I don’t know about you, but I am super excited after watching their teaser video few months ago!
Slide the City Malaysia
For those of you who don’t know what Slide the City is, it’s time to come out from your shell! Slide the City is a 1,000ft slip n’ slide that is held in the city itself, whereby sliders will slap on their sunscreen, and grab their swimsuits to speed down the massive three-lane slide for the slide of their lives! WEEEEEEEEE~~Slide in the City 1,000 feet is quite a massive slide, and I am really looking forward to going for a fun day in the sun. Apart from that, there will also be food trucks, game booths, and music to make that experience much more sweeter. Watch this video to see what Slide the City is all about:
Slide the City Korea Aren’t you curious to know why Mr. Leong Delon, CEO and Founder of Monkey Theory Sdn Bhd decided to bring Slide the City to Malaysia? Unlike others in his class, Mr. Leong Delon dropped out after only a year in university to help his mother as they were facing financial difficulties. So he began thinking of ideas on how to start his own business. In 2012, he founded Dusty Monkeys with co-founder Desmond Yong, and it has been only uphill from there.Slide in the City Malaysia – Regular Prices and EntitlementsSlider Wave Times Surprisingly, Delon’s role model was someone closer to home instead of celebrities or notable personalities. Although he declined to mention who it was, that person has taught him to turn any negativity into positive energy and thus, Delon is not afraid to try anything new in life. As a competitive person, he always strive to experience and overcome different challenges in life and constantly feels the need to improve himself. Slide the City Malaysia, being spearheaded by Delon is always on the lookout for suitable places to hold the event. Tentatively, they have already identified quite a few locations. Suffice to say, it will soon be making its rounds all around Malaysia soon!Slide the City Malaysia – Slider Do’sSlide the City Malaysia – Slider Don’ts For Slide the City’s maiden event in Kuala Lumpur, Spritzer is their title sponsor whilst Nivea, MY FM, Uber, and GoPro are their official sponsors. Tickets are now sold out unfortunately! But I have a GOOD NEWS!
Thanks to the very generous people at Slide the City, I am giving away 5 pairs of triple slider tickets (worth RM 218!) to 5 of my lucky readers! What are triple slider tickets? These tickets will let you slide three times the length of the entire 1,000 feet slide on 6th of December 2015, within the given time frame, and you will also be entitled to an exclusive Slide the City Malaysia T-Shirt and an inflatable tube! Here’s what you need to do. They’re really simple! a Rafflecopter giveaway Contest ends on 16th November 2015, 12am. Winner will be randomly picked and results will be announced on 16th November 2015. Stay tuned to their Facebook event page for latest news: