If you follow my blog and read my ticket giveaway post, you would have known that Spritzer Slide the City Malaysia is going to take place on 5th and 6th December 2015 at Lebuh Wadi Ehsan, Putrajaya.Inaugural launch of Slide the City Malaysia
Slide the City Malaysia
Isn’t it exhilarating just to imagine sliding through a massive 1,000 feet (that’s the length of three football fields!) three-lane slip n’ slide through Lebuh Wadi Ehsan? It’s the first of its kind in Malaysia. The response from fellow Malaysians has been so overwhelming to the point that all ticket passes have been sold out!Malaysia’s diving darling, Olympic medallist Pandelela Rinong Slide the City Malaysia was officially inaugurated at Luna Bar, Pacific Regency Hotel. The event was graced by Malaysia’s diving darling cum Slide the City Malaysia ambassador, Pandelela Rinong. According to her, she was inspired to endorse the event as it promotes a healthy lifestyle, heeding the government’s call to increase physical activity. Watch this video to see what Slide the City is all about:
Since its 2013 debut in the US, this global phenomenon has developed an almost cult-like following worldwide, having reached more than 2 million people in major cities worldwide which include, among others, Japan and Hong Kong. Now, Slide the City is set to make its Malaysian debut.Mr. Leong Delon, Founder and CEO of Monkey Theory hands Slide the City T-shirt to Pandelela RinongA fun-filled and unique Q&A session in the pool Besides experiencing the slide, there will also be many other activities which will take place simultaneously. The carnival-like two-day event will feature live music, food trucks, games and a host of other activities suitable for the whole family.Leong Delon, CEO of Monkey Theory and his co-founder Desmond Yong during Q&A session A portion of the sales proceeds from Slide the City Malaysia passes will be donated to National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia (NKF) to support patients suffering from kidney disease.Slide the City Malaysia sponsors Slide the City Malaysia is organized by Monkey Theory Sdn. Bhd. Together with their esteemed title sponsor, Spritzer and official sponsors, which include Nivea, Uber, GoPro, MY FM, and Playboy Condoms, as well as the awesome folks at MaxMan.TV as their official online partner, the event is bound to be successful.tallpiscesgirl X Pandelela Rinong X Janice YeapWe’re super lucky! Won 2016 Slide the City Malaysia Premium Ticket that enables us to enter any SCM held next year! For more information and updates on Spritzer Slide the City Malaysia, visit Spritzer Slide the City Asia’s official Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/slidethecityasia/.Slide the City Malaysia launch ended with a splash!