I’ve been noticing these 1600 Pandas ever since I saw their photos while they were in Hong Kong. It has never crossed my mind that they’ll be coming to Malaysia. But they did and their first stop in Malaysia was at Dataran Merdeka on 21st December 2014! I missed it though cos I only knew about it when I saw my friends’ photos on Facebook and the pandas were only there for an hour T_T#1600PandasMY So after I checked 1600PandasMY World Tour Schedule, I decided to make an appointment with the pandas on 13th January 2015 @ Publika. It was quite hard to find parking at level G1. In the end, I had to drive out and enter another parking entrance.1600 Pandas @ Publika Shopping Mall I was greeted by the sight of 1600 paper mache pandas at Publika Square, Level G2. It was full of cute pandas!! Because it was held indoors this time, the pandas will be here until 25th January 2015 (10 am – 10 pm).#1600PandasMY @ Publika KL#1600PandasMY @ Publika KL#1600PandasMY @ Publika KL Many people have purposely came to Publika KL just to see these pandas! Don’t miss it cos you’ll never know if they’ll ever come again.#1600PandasMY @ Publika KLBeca pandaBunga Raya (Hibiscus) PandaWayang Kulit Panda Besides admiring the cuteness of these pandas, let’s not forget the reason they’re here – to create awareness about endangered species. Until 2004, there are only 1600 wild pandas left.
Did you adopt a panda? 😀
Did you adopt a panda? 😀
LOL I didn’t… no space to store them XD
So many Pandas. Thanks to them, the traffic to Publika is uber jam! Hahaha
So many Pandas. Thanks to them, the traffic to Publika is uber jam! Hahaha
Haha I know right! People are flocking to Publika just to see these pandas!
LOL I didn't… no space to store them XD
Haha I know right! People are flocking to Publika just to see these pandas!