Last Saturday, Clumsy Boy and I decided to go somewhere different to spend time together. We’ve been going to Desa Park City quite often lately so we went to Metropolitan Park Kepong a.k.a. Selayang Park instead.Clumsy Boy @ Metropolitan Park Kepong Most of the people came here to do some light exercise, jogging and kite flying. Sometimes when I drove along MRR2, I can see lots of beautiful kites flying in the sky! Too bad there wasn’t any wind when we were there. I was so looking forward to get a few shots of kites flying in the clear blue sky. Our outing was made more special considering I met some cosplayers there. Do you know who they are? =pSaint Seiya @ Metropolitan Park Kepong
Saint Seiya
These two hunky guys were dressed as characters in Saint Seiya, carrying the signature Pandora box that contains superpower! I wonder what are the superpowers inside but they told me it will be revealed soon! Ala… Ok la I just wait lorSelfie with Saint Seiya! I guess Malaysians are rather shy so I started to ask them for photos and selfies first. Clumsy Boy also don’t wanna miss the chance to take a group photo with them. Tell u a secret – Actually Clumsy Boy is very envious of their body hahaha!Clumsy Boy & Saint Seiya team Japanese manga lovers, have you read Saint Seiya yet? If you haven’t, remember to put it into your reading list! I hope they will reveal what they’re trying to promote regarding Saint Seiya real soon! ^_^ Update: I finally knew what this is all about! Find out by clicking this link.
So you have a rosemary plant to take home? 🙂
Yeap! But apparently it's not easy to take care of it… died liao T_T