Brunch vs. Branch
Me: Hmmm dunno this Goldhill got branch or not leh hor? Him: But I don’t like brunch leh, very rush. Me: But I’m talking about branch wor… BRANCH. Him: Ya la, restaurant where got provide brunch de… only lunch and dinner ma Me: *EXPLODES* It’s branch la!!! B-R-A-N-C-H!!! D-O-I-N-E-E-D-T-O-S-P-E-L-L-O-U-T-E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G-?
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LOLLLLL brunch!
so funny! haha
LOL , so funny!
banana? hahhahaa…. it's normal for couples to get misunderstood geh 😛
Haha apa banana? XD
hehe, it is rather hillarious 😛