As Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, SUEN Jewellers The Love Diamond Boutique has recently hosted an exclusive pre-Valentine’s luncheon with a few selected bloggers for a sneak peek on what they have to offer this Valentine’s.
SUEN Jewellers The Love Diamond Boutique
SUEN Jewellers @ Bangsar SUEN Jewellers is strategically located along the busy street of Jalan Maarof, Bangsar. If you’re coming from the city, SUEN Jewellers will be on your right side. Upon entering SUEN Jewellers, I noticed that they’re not the same like those mainstream jewellers we normally see in shopping malls. SUEN is considered as an upmarket jewellery store that provides their customers a private and non-intrusive experience while shopping for that perfect jewellery. The ambiance is classy and elegant, it makes any girl who sets foot into SUEN feels like a ‘tai tai’. Inside the gallery, there is also instrumental music playing in the background giving it a totally romantic setting. Besides being a jewellery store, SUEN Jewellers also hosts luncheons for their guests so they can take their own sweet time admiring the jewelleries while having their tummies filled. For Valentine’s Day, SUEN Jewellers has introduced their Rose Gold collection as the perfect gift choice. I really love this idea because rose gold is something more different and unique compared to yellow gold that looks more appealing to older generation. Some jewelleries in my photos here are not from the rose gold collection but still, they sent my heart racing. I know right, which girl doesn’t feel excited when they saw so many bling bling jewelleries? I really really wish to bring them home! I made it as my goal and I’m motivated to bring one of these beauties home someday! And this is the first time I wore a 1 carat diamond ring!Diamond ring from SUEN Jewellers They are so exquisitely beautiful, I can’t really make up my mind! Can I have them all please? Haha!
Nasi Ayam Masak Merah
They served us awesome Nasi Ayam Masak Merah! Although it was kinda spicy for me, but still tasty… it’s like a love-hate relationship haha! And I really love the rice cos it has large sweet dried raisins and nuts that gives it a totally unique texture. In between lunch, we were introduced to some exclusively designed wedding bands – Signature YinYang Collection and Signature Love Collection. Normally, we see designs on the outer part of the ring but these ones are different whereby the designs are embedded on the inner part of the ring so it touches your flesh.SUEN Jewellers – Signature YinYang CollectionSUEN Jewellers – Signature Love Collection After a scrumptious lunch, we got to do something more serious like learning how to evaluate diamond.
So do you know how to judge the quality of diamond? Yeap, it’s the 4C – Cut, Carat, Colour, Clarity. To get more information on this, you can visit SUEN’s Education page on The 4Cs of Diamond.Under a high tech microscope, we were able to see the hearts clearlyLearning to inspect diamond like a pro with Jewelers Hearts and Arrows ScopeCik Lily inspects her ring too! Before we went off, girls will be girls… TAKE LOADS OF SELFIES! And here’s a CNY group photo:CNY group photo with the girls A special thank you to Kat and Sharon for attending to us – crazy and noisy girls patiently hahaha! I love the jewellery box and will aim to fill it!Vain shots with diamond jewelleriesWith the girls: Jessica, Yienyee and Povy!OK OK… last one! LOL! Don’t forget to visit SUEN Jewellers if you’re planning to buy diamond jewelleries for special occasions like wedding bands and engagement ring as they are offering exquisite designs at limited quantities only! Address:
SUEN Jewellers Sdn. Bhd.
No.119, Jalan Maarof,
Taman Bangsar,
59000 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 603-2284 8618 Website: http://www.suenjewellers.comFacebook Page: SUEN Jewellers
ring #4 is my favourite! and i love ayam masak merah 😀 haven't had it in such a very long time though. i thought they usually serve it with nasi tomato? lol.
ring #4 is my favourite! and i love ayam masak merah 😀 haven't had it in such a very long time though. i thought they usually serve it with nasi tomato? lol.
Cool! It seems like they have a lot of nice collections out in time for Valentine's Day!