Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

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DSC 17051 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant
In just a blink of an eye, it’s Ramadhan season again! One reminder for my fellow non-Muslim is: don’t post your food photos to Facebook and Instagram during the day and be considerate to those who are fasting. Thanks to Evelyn, I got to sample the Ramadhan Buffet offered by Songket Restaurant, a well-known restaurant for their authentic Malay dishes.

Songket Restaurant
Songket Restaurant

Songket Menu
Songket Menu
Without further ado, let’s take a look at what Songket Restaurant has to offer this Ramadhan =)

Appetizers: Popiah Goreng, Samosa, Cucur Udang, Tauhu Sumbat, Rojak Buah, Pengedil, Rojak Pasembur, Assorted Pickles, Kerabu Mangga, Kerabu Pucuk Paku, Kerabu Perut

DSC 1775 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1773 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1779 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1776 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1738 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

Soup/Porridge: Sup Daging, Bubur Lambuk

DSC 1784 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

Selera Hari Raya: Lemang, Nasi Impit, Roti Jala, Kari Ayam, Lontong Sayur Lodeh

Lemang | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

Roti Jala | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

Main Courses: Nasi Putih, Nasi Kerabu Bunga & Telang, Ayam Rempah Bertumis, Ayam Golek, Masak Lemak Ikan dengan Mangga Muda, Ikan Masak Assam Pedas, Rendang Daging, Daging Masak Hitam, Masak Lemak Udang Nenas, Udang Masam Manis, Ketam Goreng Bercili Gajus, Sotong Masak Kari, Masak Lemak Pucuk Paku, Kacang Panjang Goreng, Ulam-ulam dan Sambal Belacan, Sambal Kicap, Air Assam, Budu, Cincaluk, Ikan Masin Goreng, Aneka Keropok dan Papadam

DSC 1745 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1748 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1749 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1752 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1753 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1780 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

Grilled: Kambing Golek, Mixed Satay, Mixed Ikan Bakar

Fried Noodles: Mee Goreng, Kuey Teow Goreng

Goreng goreng: Pisang, Cempedak, Keledek, Keropok Lekor, Roti Goreng, Roti John

DSC 1777 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1765 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1732 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

Desserts: Assorted Malay Kuih, Assorted Cakes, Assorted Puddings, Mixed Fruits, Bubur Pulut Hitam, Bubur Kacang, Assorted Ice Cream

DSC 1740 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1789 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1786 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

Drinks: Kopi Kampong, Teh Tarik, Cordial, ABC, Cendol

I’m spoilt for choice with the wide buffet spread. The food was awesomely authentic and fresh, definitely a must-try!

DSC 1798 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1800 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1802 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

While enjoying our buffet, we were entertained by various cultural dances. I lost count on how many dances they performed because it’s just too many! From my memory, it should be more than 8! A great places to bring along your tourist friends to witness our cultural dances. If you’re lucky, you’ll be invited to join them too! How fun!

DSC 1807 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1811 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1813 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

DSC 1815 | Ramadhan Buffet 2013 @ Songket Restaurant

Songket’s buffet items are rotated daily from five different menus and is available from 6pm – 11pm daily. Prices are RM 75++ for adult and RM 35++ for children between 3 and 12 years old. Kids below 3 years old eat for free.

Targeted at corporate clients looking for a place to host their Hari Raya open house, Songket also offers Hari Raya open house packages from RM 65++ per person.

Restoran Songket
No. 29, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng,
50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603 2161 3331

Opening Hours
Mon – Fri 12pm – 3pm, 6pm – 11pm
Sat, Sun & Public Holiday 5pm – 11pm

Website: https://www.songketrestaurant.com

Facebook Page: Songket Restaurant


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  1. Huai Bin says:

    Awesome buka spread in Songket! 😀

    I remember it's one of the first great Malay restaurants (back then there was Songket and Rashia in 2002).

  2. Mr Lonely says:

    among all the food, i like to eat lekor~ happy buka puasa~ haha, din know much happening in Malaysia d~ >.<

  3. Foong Pc says:

    Don't post pictures of food during the day? But you just posted yummy kuehs on Facebook!!! LOL

  4. Foong Pc says:

    Yummy food!! I wonder if the desserts and kueh are too sweet or not! Anyway, I don't go buffet anymore. Can't take it! LOL!

  5. Anne Lee says:

    nak makan roti jala!!

  6. Merryn Tan says:

    I've been here once and I got pulled into the dance. It was a nice experience 🙂

  7. Charmaine Pua says:

    They have a long history huh? Glad they still can retain the quality until now 🙂

  8. Charmaine Pua says:

    Me too! Cos it's crispy right? I binged on satay too XD

  9. Charmaine Pua says:

    Oops! Caught by you!
    I saw that group no Malay posting so should be ok la :p

  10. Charmaine Pua says:

    Must be a nice experience! My mouth was full when they asked ppl out or else I'd join too :p

  11. Mr Lonely says:

    yeap~ =)

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