Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D is a 3D documentary concert film that tells the story of Katy Perry’s struggle from a gospel singer to a superstar and her bitter relationship road from single to married and finally divorced.
During the beginning of this movie, they intro-ed the key people in her life; those who transformed her to what she is today. I wasn’t really interested in this part but I guess I have no choice since this is a part of her.
What interests me is the concert, where 3D effects can be clearly seen. 3D bubbles, foam, entertaining magic shows in her concert and her interesting attires are the parts I really enjoy. Not to mention, her funny grandma too!
Check her grandma out!
I’d say that her image is really positive. She teaches everyone to get real and be themselves. Don’t be afraid to express yourself! I actually feel like crying while watching this movie, thinking of my dream that has been suppressed =(
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sound like a very inspirational movie…
Hmmm…not a fan. Go ahead, go ahead and watch, all you young people… Hehehehehe!!!
Honestly, I also feel a bit too old for this movie LOL
I am not a fan of Katy Perry so will not watch this movie, but I like some of her songs : )
Oh! What was your dream that has been suppressed? : )
To become a successful singer! Hahaha!
Huh? You want to be a singer?! So you can sing very well? Let me hear!! : D
I was gushing like a little girl watching this show. It inspires me all the way! Thank you for believing in my weirdness! 😀
Very inspiring indeed! 😀
i like her grandma too!!!! 😀 and yes I cried :p
I actually very much like Katy Perry. She seems like a girl that doesn't mind to get her hands dirty or doesn't mind act silly. Being herself 😉
I should watch this movie!
Because I always believed that being ourselves is the only way to be fully successful 😀
Happy Tuesday, Charmaine!
Cheers to that! 😀
haha i really doubt that i will go watch. =p
She must be heartbroken! LOL!
Hmm. Oh im not sure whether I should watch it or not. oh well. =)
Hehe depends you like her or not :p