Last week, I finally bought a pair of new shoes to replace my existing shoe. My existing shoe’s base is already so thin to the extend where I can feel the texture of the road with my feet.
My New Shoe – Crocs Lexi
So here’s the shoe I bought, Crocs Lexi which costs me RM 169. Initially I wanted size 9 but it’s out of stock so I took size 10 instead since I tried it and it’s only a little loose.Crocs Lexi – Brown But when I really start wearing it to work only I felt it’s actually not a bit loose, it’s VERY loose!! Sometimes I can feel as if it’s going to slip out any time. At the end, I bought Scholl’s Air-Pillo Comfort Half Insoles and stick it at the front of the shoe. Yea my shoe fits perfectly now but it feels kinda weird cos the insoles are very soft at the front and the shoe is hard at the back. The front part feels a bit hot too :S Lesson learnt, never buy shoes that are not your size.
Ever heard of a chinese saying that goes 'If your head is not big enough, don't wear a big hat'…haha. just kidding but glad that it fits now.
Ever heard of a chinese saying that goes 'If your head is not big enough, don't wear a big hat'…haha. just kidding but glad that it fits now.
I got a oversize shoes too, it made me slip and fall in the end i sold it to my friend 1/2 price…its a nike shoe…sob…
Clicked ur nuffang^^