Let’s take the time machine and rewind to 14 February 2014 (14214!). Location – Thean Hou Temple (天后宫), the place where most Buddhists held their Registration of Marriage (R.O.M.). The day that Clumsy Boy and I signed the biggest contract in our lives. The contract that bonds two person to become one.
Valentine’s Day Mass R.O.M. @ Thean Hou Temple

So I woke up at approximately 5.45 am to do my makeup. For the hair, I just applied leave-in conditioner instead of styling because I’m really bad at that and it’s better to look plain than to arrive with damaged, frizzy hair. I actually tried curling my hair with curling iron few days before but it turned out super frizzy and dry! Luckily I was able to save it by using lots of hair mask.