As the vibrant pink cherry blossoms bloom along the scenic terrains of Japan, it marks the beginning of the annual Japanese Sakura Festival. Known also as the Japanese Hanami Festival, the celebration heralds the arrival of the spring season that captures the blooming of the beautiful and delicate cherry blossoms across the country. These legendary flowers represent the spirit of renewal, friendship and the ephemeral nature of life itself, reminding us to cherish every moment of life’s wonderful encounters.
Food & Beverages
The Pearl Kuala Lumpur Ramadan Buffet 2023: Sajian Warisan Nusantara
Posted onEmbrace the spirit of Ramadan and create memorable moments with our loved ones while experiencing the best dining and stay experiences at The Pearl Kuala Lumpur! This year, the iconic hotel has planned a variety of exciting activities and dining promotions to help guests experience the true essence of Ramadan.