GUARDIAN Malaysia recently unveiled the tote bags designed by talented actress, TV Presenter, model and successful entrepreneur who founded NAELOFAR, Miss Neelofa. The 3 tote bags designed for Naelofar X Guardian Exclusive Summer Collection for Ramadan are called NATURE BEAUTY, RED BLOSSOMS and FLORAL SERENITY.
Top 5 Things to Buy Before Raya
Posted onI’ve grown accustomed to shopping online nowadays because I can compare prices on a few platforms before I buy them. Hey, I’m not being stingy! I just want to be a smart consumer and squeeze the most out of my money. After all, there’s no reason to pay more for the same thing. Don’t you agree? Plus, my schedule has been quite crazy lately so I don’t have that much time to go to physical stores.
Living in a multiracial and multicultural country, we all celebrate the holidays and festivities together. Raya is around the corner so I guess we should all shop together too? Nobody would say no to shopping and sale! I’ve done the homework for you and surveyed all 3 most popular e-commerce platforms (Shopee, Zalora, Lazada) on what are the top 5 things to buy before Raya.