Speedoc Telemedicine App X Allergy Test Review

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Dr Aaron Cheah and his team from Speedoc Malaysia

Are you allergic to anything? I thought I wasn’t allergic to anything until I’ve taken the Speedoc Food Allergy Test recently.

What is Allergy?

Allergic reactions occur when the immune system identifies the allergen as harmful and overreacts by releasing chemicals like histamine.

We all know that a severe allergy would require immediate medical attention and can cause serious illness or even death if not treated quickly. For milder ones, we may end up with itchiness and rashes. These allergies that we commonly know are called Type I food allergy (IgE-mediated) which usually develop symptoms within minutes to a few hours of ingestion.

Type III Food Allergy (IgG allergy)

What most people don’t know about is Type III food allergy (IgG-mediated), which is also known as food intolerance. The symptoms only occur a few hours or even days after ingestion of a trigger food.

9 Out of 10 Middle-Aged Malaysians Concerned About Bone Health

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Anlene Milk for Bone Health

In a recent survey conducted among Malaysians aged 40 to 59 years, it was found that 95% of respondents are concerned about their bone health and how it may affect their strength and mobility when they are older. The top three contributing factors they cited for their concerns are lack of exercise, insufficient exposure to sunlight (for production of vitamin D in the body to aid calcium absorption), and avoiding dairy products (which are daily sources of calcium) in their diet.

Get 24 Hours Germ-free Protection with Cleands

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Sanitizing Cushions with Cleands Environment Spray

Before COVID-19, many people didn’t really pay much attention to hygiene. Looking at a more positive side, COVID-19 has taught us how important hygiene is in our daily lives, especially our hands. Bacteria and viruses are everywhere around us. Hence, it is best to wash our hands or at least sanitize them with hand sanitizing spray before preparing food, touching animals or shaking hands with someone else.